You likely do a lot to get the outside of your house ready for cooler weather. There’s pro lawn care, raking and the list could keep going. But there’s another thing critical outside your residence that often gets ignored.

Your heat pump works hard throughout the summer and winter to keep your loved ones comfortable. And all that difficult work requires some comprehensive maintenance to ensure it gives efficient, stress-free comfort.

So, you might be wondering, how frequently should you work on your heat pump in Spokane? Is it essential if it’s new or running properly? Let’s review why heat pump maintenance is important and how often you should schedule it.

Why Heat Pump Service is Necessary

Your heat pump is essential for keeping your household comfortable throughout any kind of weather. With routine service, you’ll get trouble-free comfort regardless of the season. But if you neglect skilled maintenance, your heat pump can become dirty.

A heat pump in need of service can struggle with poor performance, which can make your utility expenses larger. It may even freeze up, interrupting your family’s comfort. You could even have an expensive repair bill that, in many situations, could have been unnecessary.

One of the most critical parts of maintenance you can complete on your own is putting in a clean air filter. If the filter gets too filthy, your heat pump might begin to turn off and on more often, which is known as short cycling. Not only does this drive up your heating and cooling bills, it can also shorten your heat pump’s life span because it’s operating all the time.

If you install a flat filter, our specialists advise replacing it each month. If you choose a pleated filter, those usually last up to three months. An easy method to figure out whether your filter needs replacing is by pulling it out and holding it up to sunlight. If you don’t notice any light, you’re due to put in a new one.

However, how regularly you need to put in a new filter depends on a few details: how frequently your heat pump is operating, if you have dogs or cats and if anyone has allergies. Our Bigfoot Mechanical professionals can provide assistance if you are unsure how frequently you should replace your filter or what the ideal kind is for your home.

How Frequently You Should Get Heat Pump Maintenance

Heat pumps vary from air conditioners or furnaces, as they operate during every season. Because of this, we suggest booking heat pump maintenance in Spokane biannually, typically during the spring and fall.

That way, you’ll get a head start on the cooling and heating seasons. And you’ll have time to get any needed repairs completed prior to needing your heat pump. Regular service also keeps your manufacturer’s warranty in place, which is needed if your heat pump is new.

Besides putting in a new air filter and keeping clear room near your heat pump outside, we don’t advise doing heat pump maintenance without professional assistance. Your heat pump is a complex appliance that needs assistance from a skilled heating and cooling pro.

All our friendly Bigfoot Mechanical specialists have completed comprehensive learning to meet all needs. They’re also fully licensed and insured, which means your heat pump is in experienced hands.

Here is a portion of the work we’ll perform on our maintenance visit:

  • Examine your ducts, blower and indoor coil for dirt or other grit that can inpact heating and cooling.
  • Confirm accurate refrigerant levels and hunt for any leaks.
  • Test and fix electrical junctions.
  • Lubricate motors and belts.
  • Check complete heat pump operation for safety and outstanding performance.

Now is a good time to request your heat pump maintenance appointment with Bigfoot Mechanical. Our technicians are here to assist you with energy-efficient, headache-free home comfort. Contact us at 509-392-8770 to request your appointment today, and make sure to browse at our offers for exclusive discounts on your next maintenance appointment.